The Aracaunas are laying! This means that there are three small blue eggs each day in a little hole they've dug at the back of their coop. We have a surplus of eggs now for the first time. It's been fun giving them away and eating them. Their small size makes two of them the perfect breakfast.
And, we are growing, too. My belly now measures a whopping 36 inches! And my belly button is getting shallower each day. This little babe is moving quite a bit. Chris has felt its gentle movements through my skin. We are ruling out all sorts of names (like Janson and Hans) and accepting just as many.
We recently were gifted a book called Boy or Girl? 50 Fun Ways to Find out!

Our favorite test so far is called Mirror, Mirror on the Wall.
This old German tale checks not whether you are the fairest mother of them all but what your eyes say. Stare into a mirror for one minute, but not more than three. Do your eyes dilate? If yes, a boy. If they don't, a girl.
Hmmmm. We'll let you know the book's prediction once we've completed all the tests. Though the truth will only be revealed in January!