It's hive time! |
Time to collect honey for the first time ever! |
We smoked the bees to confuse their sense of smell. |
We removed the top two boxes to bring them inside. |
Here is the queen excluder. It keeps her from laying eggs in the boxes above this grate. She can't fit through the slots. |
We took the frames out of the boxes in a warm, clean room (aka our laundry room). |
Proud Papa! |
A heated knife scraps the caps off the comb. |
Really satisfying. And harder than it looks. |
Alison and Brennan helped us. |
The wax caps and extra honey fell down. The honey collected in the bottom of this basin. |
But the real extraction happened here: The Extractor! (Notice the tomato can 'throttle.') |
It spun really fast. |
And honey came oozing out. |
2.5 gallons! And it tastes so good. |
Yay! |