Welcome, Sidney King Hanson!
Our third son was born Tuesday, January 19th at 9 a.m. during a strong rainstorm. It was a magical morning, with the world laboring alongside us. Sidney is a thriving little guy with a huge appetite. He seems to nurse as often as most infants sleep. His brothers and grandparents are also in love.
Sidney was Chris's dad's eldest brother (1910s-1970). The oldest of the 15 Hanson children, he was born and raised in Montana and moved to California as a young man. He enticed his younger brother, Carl (Chris's dad), to join him in California. Sidney later moved back to Montana with his wife and daughter. He worked as a rancher and in a grainery.
Herbert George King was Christine's maternal grandfather who lived from 1908-1981. Known as Paddy, he was British but raised in Egypt and Germany. He lived an adventurous life as a journalist across Europe. He was fluent in 8 languages. After WWII, Paddy moved to the U.S., married, and had one daughter, Vivian King (Christine's mom). He was known for being irreverent, charming, and passionate. He met infant Christine before he died.