So today I was at BioFuel Oasis, my new favorite urban farm gear store, with Nikko. We were on different errand, but couldn't help but notice about 60 fluffy day-old chicks for sale. $5 each - how can one resist? At first I thought, "let's get two," even though we only really have room in our coop for one more adult. Then I thought, "well, two would keep each other company." Then further reasoning somehow brought me to figure "three would be best because if one dies or turns out to be a rooster, then we still have two." So Nikko happily chose three chicks (Breed: Aracuana; Read: blue-tinted eggs!)
On the way home, Nikko came up with three names: Blow-Blow, Streetlamp, and Truck. I told him we would use Blow-Blow, but that we'd have to let Chris name the others since they would be his early birthday present.
So when Chris came home, I led him to a covered cage. They gave themselves away with the peeping, and a huge smile spread across Chris's face. Happy birthday, sweetie! I hope you like this gift I got for us.
i love how "further reasoning led me to believe...." that a larger number of chicks was necessary :-)
Happy chicking! Do you think Basil will try to paw these little guys around?
I love your blog! I can't believe you trust Basil to get so close to the chick. The blue eggs are wonderful--no need for Easter egg dyes next year!
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