He is 8 pounds, 1 ounce and about 20 inches long.
It was a long labor but the family is doing really well. We were blessed by two amazing midwives who stayed with us for 48 hours. Christine's mom and sister are here with us holding Avery and taking care of the house as we adjust to life as a family of 3.
Thank you all for your warm wishes. It has meant a lot to all of us to hear from you these past few days.
C, C, & Avery
Happy Birth day Avery! and way to go Mama!
Avery, welcome to the world. May light and love shine brightly on you! He is beautiful! I can't wait to see you all!:)
Wow, the world just became a better place. Congratulations you three! I can't wait to meet Avery. Sending you all a big hug. Love, Lydia
Absolutely lovely! What a blessing to have a healthy child, and what a blessing you two will be in his life. I keep saying what a lucky child yours is, but it's so true. We desperately wish we could be nearer to help, but we'll send all our love from a distance. I'm terrible about picking out features in terms of resemblance, but I definitely see faces I recognize in Avery's. Chris' eyes? I can't wait to see who he becomes. Good work you three! XO, KTLR
Welcome baby Avery!!! You are beautiful as is your mama! Iris can't wait to meet you:)
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