Avery has been intrigued by mermaids since July, when he saw a mermaid painted on a bathroom wall. A person who can swim with whales? He was already pretending to be a mermaid in the bathtub when Halloween was approaching, so the costume choice was easy. Sewing the costume was not so easy. But my hard work was worth it when Avery touched the pleathery, glittering fabric and asked me, "[Can] I go swimming in the ocean, Mama?"
But before we show you Avery, the Merboy, we will share pre-Halloween mermaid obsession pics.
Spying a mermaid at the Hub gift shop |
Holding his mermaid figurine |
Still holding the mermaid |
A captivating mermaid at the Day of the Dead exhibit at the Oakland Museum.
Before putting on his costume on Halloween morning, Avery asked me if his underwear could go in the water. I realized he actually thought he was going swimming.
The Chicken of the Sea loves her Merboy.
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