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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Animal, Vegetable, or Mineral?

Our urban garden project has just expanded to include growing a human! Wow! How do we do it, you wonder? Well, our thumbs are just that green.

We are planning on harvesting in mid-January, so keep your eyes peeled for news on this hardy, winter perennial.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Latest Peek

Here is our HIVE VIDEO!

This is an up-close-and-personal encounter with our bees. It's the only footage we've captured while opening the hive. (Please excuse/enjoy the excessive narration.)

We're still a few months away from collecting honey. At that point, the top box (which excludes the queen and therefore, the larva) will be filled with honey that we can tap into. We will borrow an extractor from the Alameda Beekeepers' Association for the job. We will be sure to document that exciting process.

Stay tuned for more news in a few days...

The Bamboo Battle is Won!

The Bobcat was with us for 24 hours. Chris was clearly in love.

Then the painstaking task of separating root from dirt. What to do with the root piles the size of small cars, we are not yet sure.

Thank you, Pat, for the wheelbarrow!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Guido Project is U..n..d..e..r..w..a..y

We are busy getting the house more sturdy and beautiful. Mom came out last week to help us with paint colors.

Chris used a machete to decapitate the bamboo so we could pile it up and rent an excavator to break up the rhizomes.

We discovered the original mantle behind some painted wooden siding. What a treat! There is even an alcove next to the fireplace that we uncovered that is perfect for built-ins.

And Chris has learned that demolition is quite rewarding.

See you this weekend at our party: Guido House, Pre-Transformation!