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Monday, March 22, 2010

Merging the Flocks

Now has come the time to introduce the Araucana chicks to the resident Longhorn chickens: Emmy Lou, Hawking, and Jessie Rosalee (Wildcat Tennessee). They have grown too big for their cage and they squawk so loudly now that we have to put them outside when we watch a movie.

So last weekend, we put their cage next to the adult's coop. And that yielded only a few curious chicken big-eyed-jelly-neck moves (you know what I mean) and a few quick pecks. Apparently, young chicks don't know the social etiquette of avoiding eye contact with superiors, so they learn the rule pretty quickly.

Yesterday, we put them all in a large dog kennel out in the yard - neutral territory - for several hours. The chicks cheeped the whole time, clustered in the corner while the big mamas took violent dust baths that sent dirt spewing everywhere. Later that evening, when the babies were in their own cage and inside, they practiced their own dirt bath moves, which was a totally new behavior for them. Modeling is powerful!

Today is the big day! Now the babies are in their own cage within the coop. They are going to be let out in a few hours. I made a nesting box that they will likely sleep in tonight unless they are kicked out. Cross your fingers...

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