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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Grafting Fruit Trees for Sleeping Babies

Chris has been busy ensuring the future fruits of our garden. He has planted many fruit trees and is now grafting delicious and desirable fruit branches onto the existing wild plum and apple trees in our yard.
Thank you, Michael Sears, for teaching us the following:

Step 1: Slice the new branch nice and thin, leaving a small line of bark on either side.

Step 2: Slide the new branch(es) into the trunk like so (a slit has been made into the trunk). These are two Santa Rosa Plum branches stuck in a wild plum trunk.

Step 3: Coat the wound with grafting wax to prevent bacteria from entering.

Step 4: Wrap with tape.

Step 5: Go and kiss sleeping baby who will someday enjoy these fruits.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

So cool. Thank you for recording and sharing all of that great information. I'm inspired to graft!
p.s. my olives are happily frothing:-)