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Sunday, April 3, 2011

How Many Averys...Averies?

Inspired by dear friends, Tim and Katie, we experimented for an afternoon with what it would be like to run an Avery-only in-home daycare. We realized that not only are we grossly outnumbered, but we just don't have the childproof house required for such a bevy of babies.

So after a few minutes, we gave the other Averies away and kept our original. We just felt extremely grateful that Christine is not Nadya Suleman. Now wouldn't that be a crazy birth announcement?

*Many thanks to M. Sears for technical assistance.


Katie said...

Yay! We hope you weren't completely overwhelmed with cuteness. I love imagining Christine as Nadia. If anyone had to do it, you'd do as good a job as could be done.

Much love!
KQ and TW

Kristen said...

I love the one in your bedroom and on the stairs! What a busy bee Avery is!