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Friday, June 22, 2012

Montessori Bambino

Thanks to our dear Boston friends, Rachel Shuler and Jeff Klein, we've been reading Montessori From the Start: Birth to Age Three. We have been seeing so much evidence of Avery yearning to do tasks we did not think he was ready for (yard-work and cleaning were the big ones). After reading about 18-month-olds and what they can do, we ordered some important child-sized tools for him. 

Avery using his push broom.

Avery's shelf for cooking and cleaning utensils and tools.

Getting so excited he can't contain himself.

Pouring water for himself using a real glass pitcher (with top).

Wiping up the spills.

Walking the dog.

Mowing the lawn.

Overseeing Papa build the duck coop.

Being a climby kid, of course.

Avery, we are so proud of you!

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