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Monday, March 18, 2013

Someone wants a baby

Avery has been taking careful care of his baby, Nan. He has been rocking Nan, giving Nan bottles, and shushing Nan when Nan is "cwying." Today was the first day he wanted to take Nan outside. (I must admit, the baby carrier was my idea).

I refrained from saying, "See, Avery, being a parent can make even the simplest tasks challenging."

But often he made it look easy.

Nothing like a little manual labor with bebe.

And who didn't notice the new do? Yesterday we gave him his first haircut on the back deck. It was the mark of a new life chapter. Avery is no longer a baby with his original wispy baby hair but a little boy with a tousled bob. It was sweetly sad..

1 comment:

Katie said...

Oh, first haircuts! Definitely sad, but then also cute. Tim still loves to dress the kids up just like a dolly (I have to say the charm of dressing them is pretty well lost on me now, but anyway...)and now here's a doll whose hair you actually get to cut.