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Sunday, June 15, 2014

In Loving Memory of Patricia Hanson

Grandma died peacefully this evening, June 15, in the late afternoon. She lived 80 years and 12 days. 
Patricia Ann Barbaria was a cutie, as can be seen in the pictures below. 
She was raised in San Francisco by her loving Italian family.
(You can see where Chris gets his curls.)

Patricia in her father's arms. The siblings in order: Louise, Frank, Vincent, and Pat.

Pat with an older friend.

Pat, in white, with her siblings and parents
(sans Frank, who's just not in the picture)


Anonymous said...

Much love to all of you, we'll miss her so. Here's the piece I wrote:

Katie said...

Much love to all of you. You have been in our thoughts continuously. Thanks for sharing the beautiful pictures of Pat. The close-up of her and an older-child friend resembles Avery very much in terms of facial features, which is to say that I think Avery resembles his dear Grandma as a little girl. One of the many ways in which Pat lives on, though I'm sure you will miss her terribly. We send love and light! KQ