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Saturday, August 9, 2014

Hansons and Warings and Quirks, Oh My!

Visit no. 1, in New Hampshire:

Katie, Tim, Liam, and Reid!
(And we also got Tim's parents and grandmother as a bonus.)

We spent 4 days with them at Granny's idyllic cabin on Squam Pond in New Hampshire.
Avery loved swimming alongside canoes and kayaks (in his lifejacket). 
Avery loved playing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turltes with his sophisticated older friends. 
Zeal loved Topher, Tim's dad. 
We loved staying in a little bedroom cabin called the Peace Cabin. 
We loved that there was a tiny island in the middle of the pond where you could pick blueberries. 
We loved catching up with Katie and Tim once the kids were all asleep.


Shark style.


Shark style.

And because this triptych is just too good: 

1 comment:

Katie said...

We love, love, love you people (and your much-better-than-ours pictures). So nice to reminisce. XOXO