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Sunday, August 9, 2015

Zeal Henry is TWO!

We had a wee celebration for Zee today. Six friends came over to wish Zeal a happy 2nd brithday. 
He loved the candles. And Avery loved showing Zeal the birthday ropes. You can see birthday song and candle extinguishing pictures, after which Zeal looked up expectantly and said "again?"

After much Zeal spittle, Avery helped blow out the first candle.

And then, sweetly, he waited for Zeal to blow out the second one.

Attempt 1: fork

Attempt 2: fingers

Attempt 3: full face

Nikko assessing the frosting-in-face damage

And Zeal clearly decided it was worth it

Pictured: Nikko, Zeal, Avery, Tula, Jude, and Torin.
Torin is Zeal's best friend. They are just a few months apart and spent last year carpooling
together to the same daycare. We are lucky to have Torin as a neighbor, too.

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