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Monday, March 7, 2016

Chris's Birthday

We made two apple pies to celebrate Chris's birthday last weekend!
We had a few families over for lunch, and then hosted even more friends for dinner and late-night jam session. The kids fell asleep in the den and living room to the sounds of their parents playing music. It was a perfect birthday. 

Sticky apple pie

The birthday boy overlooking his garden

Baby Maya and Baby Sid

Sid, Chris, and Uncle Zach

Adam and Almetria

Swinging and zip-lining

So this requires an explanation: when you plug your ears with fingers wrapped with dental floss which is attached to a cooling rack, the sounds are incredible. You have to have someone "play" the cooling rack by hitting it with a spoon (metal or wood)

It doesn't even have to be your own fingers (so you can do while nursing!):

The festivities went on into the night. New families joined us, kids played in the treehouse in the dark, and Avery dressed as a superhero contractor with whirligig hat.

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