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Thursday, September 1, 2016

That’s a hull of a boat you've got

 Because school has not started yet, and we are in the presence of a Captain (Captain Bob), we go boating very very often. 

Going to the beach by bike just doesn't always cut it. 

So we take a launch to Mimi's and Opa's motorboat, Altair, named for the 12th brightest star in the sky

And pass some impressive vessels that the boys call pirate ships:

And follow the Captain's orders, which usually fall along the lines of: 
"Wait is that our mooring? I don't have my glasses." 
"Let the anchor down a fair amount." 
"Pass me a beer and a sandwich, will you?"

Chris, the cabin boy, at the helm:

Avery sets up the anchor:

We go to remote beaches that no one else can find, like this one:

And ride the tube all the way back to the harbor

Captain Bob, enjoying an espresso and doughnut before a big day on the water

"Ahoy! Friend or foe?"

Me thinks friend

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